Monday, 20 October 2008

Chris i suppose it's will be a good recomended for business and economics studen. If some body can find a film *The Pursuit of Happyness*
Speling mistake in Happynes it is correct name of this film.

Tesco effort

Really interesting. New discount in the Tesco shops. You bay a goods and they back to you 1%. For example you bay for 10 pound and return to you loyal card 10 pence. Not too much, but after few weeks you will have several money on your account. If you bay more goods offers will increase, more than 1% maximum 5%. Why are they doing it? Nobody don’t want give you extra money)) How to explain this marketing company? For make the loyal card you need to give you’re: Gender, Age, and Home Address. Use this information managers can make a statistic about what you minimum consumer needs, the advertising successful or not, how to sell for you purchases which more expensive, with high quality. Plus they can, probably illegally, sell this information to the patrol station, tour agency…

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Business plan and business competition.( demo version , i will developing idea)

Business plan and business competition.
My business idea is fluorescence bar table. I explain to you how it’s work. It’s just a bar table but if you put a glass on it to begin to burn cycle around. The colour depend which cocktail you order, because for different cocktail barmen take different glasses. If we make a sociological research about what people prefer to order with different mood we can connect two or more glasses. For example, if you alone and order the beer it’s mean what you try to find a new friend (green colour). If you order a margarita you try to meet with person different gender (purple colour). We can use my business idea in the night clubs, pubs, cocktail bars and romantic cafĂ©.
Strengths and weaknesses. Strengths: modern way to meet a friend. In 21 century meet a new friend is very important. Humanity invents a lot of things like a face book, telephone… Fashionable brand. For expensive night clubs and for cheap pubs. Special effects for night clubs colour music, like a fountains in Barcelona Weaknesses: just one reason which can decrease profit its traditional pubs, which maybe don’t want to change the bar table.
What I need to start a business its 200000 pounds, after 3 years 63% of European Union pubs and clubs will be use as idea. Probably to fasters developing we can start a business in USA, because people in that country spend average more than 12300$ per year for social live. If suppose what they spend vast majority money in night clubs, it’s about 67%, after few month and few contracts with night clubs brand, we can have a profit about 20000 pound first few month, after profit more than 50000 pound per month. Total cost per unit 5000 pound, selling price 10000 pounds basic form maximum selling 100000 pounds. Why so expensive: diamonds, gold and silver. Managers every time tries to find new way to invent a people in night clubs. It will be the best investment after Microsoft, when Bill Gates started his business with 50 dollars in his valet.
One more things, the reasonable area when we can sell the bar table its USA (California, New York…) UK ( London, Manchester…) Russia ( Moscow, Petersburg…) every capital and reach megapolises.
Formulas: Unit contribution= Average selling price- variable cost= 30000- 5000=25000 pound
Total contribution= Quantity per month * Unit contribution= 20*25000= 500000
Sales revenue= Q*sp= 20*30000= 600000
The sound like an impossible and incredible, but believe me it’s possible. When you next time with your friend will go to the night club you will see may idea work, and you will be really upset what you scared to gave me money for business. Probably you will see me on V.I.P place and to regret about your blame.

Sex, drugs and economics ( My english teacher cheak a speling mistakes)

If you think economics is really the "dismal science," then Diane Coyle, a Harvard-trained economist who lives and works in London, is out to change your mind. And what a job she does in her new book on the basics of general economics. This work is indeed an easy read on a complex subject but Coyle never insults the intelligence of her readers and fully intends to explain in a readable style exactly what the study of economics is all about.
She also chastises her fellow economists for not doing a better job of explaining economics to the general public:
At a minimum, we ought to do better as a profession in explaining to the widest possible audience what it all means in the real world. You can't blame the good economists for all the bad economics that gets done in universities....There are certainly too few good economists engaged in outreach to the general public or business audience, despite the huge relevance of economics to public policy and private decisions.
I am one of those who have deliberately avoided whenever possible the study of what I consider a rather "boring" subject, much preferring the "exciting" disciplines of philosophy, politics, and history. As an undergraduate, I took exactly one course in general economics and then one in business administration: the former course because it was a liberal arts requirement and the latter because my father, a businessman, thought I should know something about modern business. Suffice to say, neither course excited me enough to go further in the study of economics per se.
Right at the beginning, Dr. Coyle tells us precisely what she intends her book to do: "This book aims to demonstrate that economics is essentially a particular way of thinking about the world that can be applied to almost any situation affecting individuals, companies, industries, and governments." Then, to make sure we all understand that the study of economics is not just for the professional or the academic but has a broader horizon, she insists that economics is "the subject for you whatever your interests and concerns" and that her objective is "to provide a new light and refreshing appetizer that might satisfy delicate appetites but also encourage some readers to develop a taste for more." Sex, Drugs & Economics fulfills all the promises made and realizes all the goals the author set out to achieve.
It should be pointed out, I suspect, regarding the title of the book, that there is very little about sex in the book and very little about illegal drugs, and both topics are used merely to explain economic matters. Just in case anyone is concerned, the content of the book will be quite acceptable to intelligent readers from high-school age and beyond. I think, however, that the title is "catchy" and meant to be so and there is no doubt that the book, compared to virtually all of the other economic books I have seen, is truly an "unconventional introduction to economics." If the words "sex" and "illegal drugs" in the title help to sell more copies of the book and bring more ordinary readers to an understanding of economics -- well, so much the better.
One of the things that makes this book so appealing is that Dr. Coyle uses our ordinary life experiences to allow us to grasp many of the major concepts of economics. She does discuss sex and illegal drugs and how economics applies to them, but she also has chapters on sports, music, energy, auctions, war games, movies, the Internet, weather, and other common topics with which we are very familiar, all utilized as a means to introduce, explain and describe various technical terms and concepts at different points in the book.
For instance, the first chapter of the book, titled "Sex: Can you have too much of a good thing?," introduces the concepts of "demand" and "supply," as well "inelastic supply of labor" and "product differentiation." Chapter 2, which is about illegal drugs, introduces the concepts of "market," "externality," "price elasticity of demand," and "cost-benefit analysis." A later chapter on sports explains the concept of "economics of scale," while the chapter on music explains the idea of "marginal cost," and the chapter on immigration explains the concept known as the "lump of labor fallacy." Furthermore, she provides an excellent description of the concept of the "public good" in the chapter on disease, and her discussion of this concept will be of particular interest to libertarians and classical liberals.
There are a few things I found particularly helpful during my reading of this book. The most important to me as a general reader was that the major terms and concepts of economics were set in boldface type as they were introduced in the text. This meant I paid particular attention to them as I was reading and realized they were important to understanding what was being said. Next in importance, at the back of the book is an appendix outlining and explaining the "Ten Rules of Economic Thinking," a section I thought helpfully summed up many of the main points expressed in the text. Finally, a glossary is provided which further explains and expands the major terms and concepts used throughout the book. I wish this sort of format was used more often in books on otherwise difficult subjects. And of course the book includes the usual bibliography (with many Internet websites also provided) and a well-organized comprehensive index.
All in all, I'd say this book accomplishes what was promised and did so in an interesting way. I finished the book with a sense that I finally did understand some of the "arcane" concepts of economics and how these ideas applied to my daily life. I highly recommend this book to all readers, but especially to those still out there who understand little of modern economics but desire or need to do so. Sex, Drugs & Economics is, as they say, a "good read," and Dr. Coyle is to be commended for making an understanding of economics so effortless and, dare I say?, even delightful.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Free lesson for everybody * how to earn money on exchange trade*

How to earn money seat at home? Really good question)) I will explain for you what does mean *money*. Money it’s a product which original use to change goods and services. A little bit history. How the humanity start to use money? Before the 1500 A.C people use a stones or paper to make a trade. First coins were found In Persian the age of 3000 years. All wars were happened because people need more and more money. If you have money you have a power, you can bay people you can manipulate people, you can change history and move rock. But something really strange happened in history and people started to use different types of money (dollars, euro, pounds…) scholars don’t know the answers.
Thank him for that, because smart people can make billions, stupid have a problem. These sentences can be a proved)). One upon a time my teacher, Thank you Chris, give me an exercise: He gave me a 1 p. and said “Try to times this penny and earn million pounds” The sound like an Incredible, but now I know how to do that. You want to know? The answer “exchange trade”.
What does it mean and how you can earn? I give you an example. One men, let’s call him Mr. X really like Las Vegas and play Black jack, I don’t want explain you what does mean Black jack, try to do that by yourself. He is invent a new strategy he count a plain card 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 he count -1, another he count +1 and when the playing table was been more than +10 he made a big beat. He earns a lot of money before security in all casinos around the world doesn’t understand his strategy. And what he did? One his friend play exchange trade and every time lose, he ask an advice and use the same tactics, he started to earn .Now they are 2 one ballooners, last year in 100 richest people in the world.
What you need to do firstly its read economics news every day. Plus do the market and economic research, information about last two- three years in graphs about changing’s the course. It will be better if you can suppose in the future, how can economics and crisis. Secondly, you should understand in which currency bay another currency. Give you an example the pound lost 4.5 comparing with rubles( Russian) but increase more than 16% if compare with dollars. And one more what you need it’s a game all as live a game, but never been in risk, never will swimming in champagne, but never risking more than you can, try to feel market, but every time thing reasonable.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Wednesday’s blog

$1/$2/$5/$10 Store

CONCEPT: This small business revolves around a discount store where every single item inside is under $1 or $2 or $5 or $10. This can be operated as either a standalone venture, which is harder given the need to source all of the cheap inventory, or as a franchise where that side of the business has been sorted out. The websites below have more information on such franchises.


It’s really difficult to find a product with one price; the shop won’t be having all things for live like a shampoo. People will scared why it’s so cheap maybe quality of product not good or something like that. The rent for these shop very expensive minimum 80 square meters. It’s not reasonable to open this shops, not in the UK, because mentality of British people can’t accept that.
Thursday’s blog

Old-Fashioned Barber with Cheap Men’s Haircuts

CONCEPT: Men (especially older ones) want cheap, fast, no-frills haircuts. Even barber shops are franchised in today’s franchise-mad small business world! Also consider variations where attractive women are the ‘barbers’, like the ‘bikini car wash’ business model as a point of difference.


Honestly not a good idea, because people want be different, have something individual. It’s one of the statement human beings. But if the barbers will be a women like a model and she can do just one or two things I will go and I think vast majority people male gender will go as well)
Friday’s blog

Gold/Gemstone Prospectors Store

CONCEPT: A specialized store for amateur/semiprofessional gold or gem prospectors. Many individuals enjoy this pastime as an outdoor hobby and are willing to spend considerable sums on getting the right equipment – dredges, metal detectors, sluices etc. One variation is to set up the business as an online store, possibly within eBay, even as a stepping stone to a ‘real world’ store.

How I understand it like gold-rush in America 19 century. Equipment for this hobby is really expensive and how much gold you find not comparing with expenses. Not a lot of people want to do that. It’s a small gap in the market. You can’t have a big profit. Plus it’s just a season market!
Sunday’s blog

Smoothie/Juice Bar Operator

CONCEPT: In high traffic locations, fresh juice and Smoothie bars offer instant cashflow and plenty of retail action to a small business entrepreneur. According to Boost Juice, for example, their franchisees sell a collective total of 1 million juice drinks every month.


If you they are sold about 1 million per one mouth that mean what this business is successful. How to improve it: open may be some restaurant with games for children.
Saturday’s blog

Car Valeting/Washing in Supermarket Car Parks

CONCEPT: While shoppers shop at big, busy supermarkets, in the car park, their cars are being valeted or simply washed or cleaned at a certain agreed level of service. An agreement and fee will usually need to be paid to the supermarket in return for the ‘use’ of their customers.


a. details of the product/service idea
When you are going to the super market, you probably going by car and weekend. Plus you spend a lot of times to bay some product. What can you do with you car? Just parking? No I think it’s a good idea to wash it. You just give a keys to worker and when you will back with the purchases you car will be clean.
b. strengths/weaknesses of the idea
Weakness: A suppose just one problem maybe some people don’t be trust to give a key from somebody.
Strengths: comfortable, cheap, new, dot spend a time.
c. pictures if possible

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