How to earn money in the *credit crunch* situation??
The business it's a big Risk, and if you are crazy
or have a Lot's of lucks use may methods to earn money.
Every small business's are scared about crisis
situation, but how we can see in some countries
(Russia, Ukraine...) the small business hasn't
be affective. Percentage closed only about 15. What
you can do if you have a some start up capital, you
can owe money for small businesses to the end of the
crisis. the advantages small chance to be failed (30%).
The interest rates should be less than in the local
bank, about 2-3%. For example now in the Oxford bank's
interest rates about 17% per year, that's mean you
should variate you percentage to 14-15% per year. You
ask whats difference's, whats interesting in that
idea? It's play on the shocks, you have a really
good P.R. company and advertising, every child now
about crisis and if you make a good politics, good
relationship with your customers you can after 3
years have a profit 4-7 times more than starts capital.
Diseconomies of scale
7 years ago
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